Tuesday 8 May 2007

The return of our visitors.

When we first moved to this house 6 years ago we didn't realise that we would have to welcome unexpected visitors , who would arrive without warning and demand to stay and require regular feeding and a place to bathe.
The first Spring 3 visitors arrived, suddenly out of the blue they decended on us and waited by the back door until we greeted them and provided food and fresh water. Being a good christian I couldn't turn them away!
They were an unruly lot, 2 males and one female, like teenagers they chased around the garden, the boys trying to get the girl's attention, squabbling and fighting over her, but she was quite aloaf and seemed amused by their displays.
After having their fill of good food and a good bath they would leave again, but returned the next day and the next...........................
Then suddenly they came no more, they left no forwarding address and didn't say "Goodbye". Each afternoon I 'd stand by the back door and watch for them, but they didn't come.
Over the long cold winters our visitors never appeared but once the Spring arrived so would they. Year after year they come back to see us. However, there are only two now, they have married and the best man won.
I look forward to their return, and this year I was so pleased to see them, as last year I feared that Beth had frightened them away, she has such a loud bark and every time they tried to come into the garden she would try to chase them. This time I'm keeping her safely inside.
It was so funny yesterday Our visitors made an impromptu visit, they almost over shot the garden, the landing was a nose dive and a crumbled mess on the grass, but they quickly righted themselves and checked no one had seen bad landing, and waddled up to the door to ask for food again.
Yes, of course our visitors are a pair of wild Mallards!!


Suffolkmum said...

Lovely ducks. We have some visitors too, probably their cousins! We have to be really careful not to leave the back door open, which is a real pain in summer, or else they just wander round the house, poo-ing freely!

toady said...

That must be great having them return. I wonder where they get to in the winter? Toady

snailbeachshepherdess said...

we had a hedghog who would turn up wriggle through the cat flap and have all the cat food while they stood there gobsmacked!
What do you think of Cait's music? Just think what we could do with good old Bonnie T!

Eden said...

Oh this brings back such fond memories for me. We had a pair of mallards who visited us each year when I was a child. My father loved them and would get so excited, like a boy, when they arrived. It has given me a lifelong love of ducks.

muddyboots said...

nice ducks! we have visitors too, but the male always brings different women with him!

Bluestocking Mum said...

How lovely. We used to have pair that visited us at our od station masters house-used to long for the spring and their return.

warm wishes

Chris Stovell said...

My parents used to have visitors like this. Brings back some sad memories as well as happy. Your blog is looking good.

Un Peu Loufoque said...

Oh you are so honoured they must feel very safe chez vous!

CAMILLA said...

I adore the Ducks, you know me Muddie, love every living little creature. There is a Duck Pond not far from where I live, beside a church, it is a very tranquil spot with a little wooden bench that one can sit on, and take in the scenery and feed the Ducks. I am glad there is a SLOW DOWN sign for drivers too as they pass through.
Best of luck dear Muddie for tomorrow when you return to work, let us know how you get on.I have not been able to find out about that lady Dominique, but I have not forgot, will let you know.

countrymousie said...

Just to warn you, my mother duck and 11 have found the back door!!
Not too sure how I am going to deal with this - if I am not on time at the pond with the food she comes looking for me - thats a lot of duck poo!!

countrymousie said...

Me again , I forgot to wish you luck at work on Wednesday. Take it easy and pace yourself. love mousie xx

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

I always feel so honoured when ours return. Ours never really get tame - although I know the guests feed them . . . . but i think the constant change of guests and different dogs keep our ducks wary. Even worse when they have their ducklings/

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

love your ducks, scan is tomorrow but results not till next week or week after. thanks for your good wishes. hope you are feeling good.

Sally Townsend said...

Our 'visitor' seems to have gone and left behind a nest of 10 or so eggs, most upsetting, how lovely for you to have them return each year.