Friday 11 May 2007

The demise of Hamster and the finding of the hole in the ground

It was strangely quiet in my study early this morning, I glanced over to the hamster cage, and quickly realised that something was amiss, the grape I had put in the cage last night was still there, the food dish still full.

I looked down at his little bed and there he was all tucked up and so still, no longer just asleep but deceased.

I knew over these past few days that he was going down hill, there were the tell tale signs, the excessive drinking and strong smell of urine, and now his time was up. He'd had a good 2 years which is average for a hamster. I haven't told Lucy yet, I let her go to school and as she is staying the night with her friend I will not tell her until she returns tomorrow, I think it's better that way.

He'd certainly had his adventures. Last year he had planned and executed his escape. He used to work at pushing open the cage door, and eventually he succeeded!

We came down one morning , the door was open and he had gone. I'd heard a cafuffle in the night and now I knew what it was. Beth , the dog, , must have found hammy, I was convinced she had eaten him.

We searched high and low but didn't find him. However, not deterrred Lucy put out food for Hammy and in the morning the food had gone, so He Was Alive somewhere in the house!

This went on for several days, we'd put food out, Hammy, found it and ate his fill and returned to his hiding place.

Then I noticed that Beth was spending a lot of time nosing around under Lucy's bed. So I pulled everything out, quite a feat in it self, there snuggled in the bottom of a box surrounded by chewed blankets stuff was Hammy. He was not pleased at being found and bit me hard, it bled for ages!

We got him back into his cage, but the next night he escaped again, this time we knew where to look! This time he was put back in his cage and I tied the doors up............No more escaping for him!!

Sadly now he is no more.

I went out into the garden to dig a hole and bury him. As I had the spade in my hand I thought I'd have another look for my Rotary Lines hole in the ground. After tapping at the grass for a few moments I suddenly hit metal. Yes, there it was........My hole in the ground! Hooray! But it's raining now so I still can't hang the washing out!


Chris Stovell said...

Oh, poor Hammy! I know that feeling well! I did suggest to Lily once that we sling the dear departed hammy in the wheelie bin (in a suitable coffin, of course) but the look on her face told me this was a Very Bad Idea!

Suffolkmum said...

Poor old Hammy. I lost my son's Snowy once recently, was convinced the cat had got him, but he came back to his cage all by himself the next day, so I never had to confess. He's coming up to 2 years so I suppose I should be prepared ....
ps thank you so much for your brilliant tip on right clicking, dragging and then left clicking! I did it!

toady said...

We had a hammy once that used to regularly escape and get under the floorboards. I can remember my Dad cussing when he had to get the crowbar out for the 2nd and 3rd time. RIP Hammy.

lixtroll said...

Oh, sorry about Hammy, it sounds like he had a lovely life though, and what a gorgeous picture of him.

Glad you found your hole in the ground!

muddyboots said...

oh poor hammy, we always had masters as children & it's a shame that they only manage a few years, ah well...

Un Peu Loufoque said...

Ah I remeber the game of hunt the rotary line hole when we livedint eh Uk! Sorry about hamster. Outs turned cannibal adn I cam in to find one had eaten half ot the other not a pretty sight!

CAMILLA said...

Oh no! that is so sad, poor Hammy. I expect Lucy will be upset too, will you be getting her another to replace Hammy?
Glad you found the metal in the ground, raining heavily here today, so no washing on the line.
Warm Wishes.

Pondside said...

Hi Muddie - so sorry about little Hammy but it sounds as though he had a full life! On the other hand, glad to hear that you've found the place for your line - you'll be ready when the weather turns nice!

Blossomcottage said...

Sorry about Hammy, they have such short lives, thanks for your comments and next time you are in Midhurst wear a purple hat and I might just see you and we could have a coffee, I meant to go to the Antique fair but somehow I forgot,there's another day.

countrymousie said...

Poor little thing - two years isnt much of a life - perhaps they are like cats and one is about 10 years in hanmster terms. We've never had a hamster here,on the guinea pigs.Poor Lucy, gie her my love. mousie

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Oh poor Hammy. Brought back memories of when daughter was 12 - we had just moved up here and I took her and son down to the village to go around the village with their friends for trick, or treat. What she didn't tell anyone - including me was that afternoon she had found her very tame and much loved hamster dead. She didn't tell anyone because she didn't want to spoil anyone's fun. So RIP all much loved and now no more hamsters everywhere!

JacquiMcR said...

Muddie, I'm so sorry about Hammy. I hope your daughter isn't too upset.


Frances said...

Hello from New York to you, Elaine.
I do thank you for your kind comments. I've just tonight been reading through your past week.
Congrats on the return to work. I was only ever in Brighton once, it was on an 11/11 and the train from London actually stopped. As an American who feels that we just stomp on our history, I was quite moved.
I know nothing, absolutely nothing about hamsters, but I do know that you are an amazing lady!

Posie said...

Lovely Hammy blog, I had a sucession of pet Hammys when I was little, we used to take them camping with us for 6 weeks every summer, one died on holiday and is buried up the west coast!

snailbeachshepherdess said...

Have got a dreadful hammy story will pass it on soon! Have just flew in for the recipe for the sultana slab cake....and will now fly out again ...I've got one for a quick pud with dates if you feel a need...