Sunday 13 May 2007

"Best made plans..........."

A month ago in those halcyon sunny days in April I rashly invited some family friends over for a lunchtime BBQ on Sunday 13 May. It seemed like an excellent idea! Our friends were all for it and promised to bring lovely marinated meats for us to BBQ. They were keen to see me but didn't want to over tire me so it was agreed they'd bring quite a bit of the food and all I'd have to do was let them get on with it! Seemed too good to be true!
As this last week progressed the weather forecast was getting gloomier and gloomier, so I knew in my heart of hearts that it was going to rain on Sunday.
But we don't give up easily, so Saturday you would have seen me cutting the grass, yes, I can use the mower now as long as Stan starts it. You may ask why couldn't he do it? Indeed, you may ask again! But anyway I did it, the garden was looking pretty good, the wisteria looks stunning, the rhodadendrons are beautiful and the azaleas are looking good too, (shame about the weeds inbetween! but they'll be gone on Friday when we have our Weeding memorial session!)
This morning I awoke to a dull day but it wasn't raining, so I was encouraged and looking forward to our friends coming for our BBQ. On my return from church I discovered that Stan had been busy he had erected a sort of metal shelter over the BBQ using huge old oil drums , a ladder and a strip of metal roofing sheet! He stood out there admiring his handy work. BUT then
It started to rain, but "never give up" we say, "What about our Dunkirk Spirit!"
We were deteremined to have our BBQ and at 12.30pm shape just as I was going to light the barbie, we had such a storm, thunder, lightening, heavy rain, the lot. Lucy got scared and said we mustn't go out as we might get struck by lightening with all that metal around the barbie.
So in the end we had to cook indoors, crowded in the kitchen. Our friends came and brought lovely marinated chicken and beef kebabs, done in a yoghurty , garlic dressing, very tasty it was too. Followed by yummy Sherry trifle and lots of wine.
We were still eating at 4pm and by then the rain had stopped so we were able to go all go for a walk with Beth, the dog, through the meadows and woods behind our place. We needed a walk to use up some of the calaries we'd eaten for lunch.
Such a shame about the rain, but all in all a perfect day with friends.


Ska, not a good mother but working on it said...

well done for perserverence! We've suffered many a day like this and then had it all turn out beautifuly - in the end it's the company that truly counts

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Oh good grief - storms and everything - we only had one storm last year. So glad you didn't let it spoil your day though. Mmmmm trifle . . . I have such a sweet tooth.

Ska, not a good mother but working on it said...

and by the way, it's community care that i write in (that sounds so professional, it's not!)

Un Peu Loufoque said...

What a stunning garden you have and well done for carrying on regardless!!

bodran... said...

I swear the best barbi we ever tasted was cooked in a rainstorm..x

bodran... said...

The wistyeria looks divine..x

Suffolkmum said...

Beautiful garden. The best laid plans etc - but it sounds like a lovely day anyway, good food and good friends, who needs sunshine?!

toady said...

Your wisteria is stunning. I think we've had more wet barbies than dry ones. Glad you had a good day.

CAMILLA said...

Dear Muddie,
Such lovely flowers in your garden.Great shame about the heavy rain, we have had it here for days, I think it is making up for the rain we did not have in April. Pleased to know that at least you were able to tuck into that glorious food inside your house anyway with your best friends.

Pondside said...

It sounds as though you ended up havinb a perfectly grand barbeque, despite the weather. It's too bad that the rain and storm made the shelter unuseable. I think your husband was very inventive!

countrymousie said...

Whats a rain between friends. Sounds a lovely day. Good for you to do the grass - as you know that is one of my tasks. Trifle - that sounds nice - dont see it much these days unless I make it.
Your garden is amazing and so colourful - we have wrong soil for these dazzling beauties alas