Sunday 24 June 2007

Now where was I?

I have just a few minutes to spare so I thought I will try to write a quick blog.

I thought we were going out somewhere this afternoon, but Stan is out in the workshop spraying a car, I went out to see what time he'd be ready to go out and I couldn't catch my breath for the paint fumes, alright for him, he wears a mask! It may be sometime before he is ready........

So what to do whilst I wait? Just a moment I've been called to iron a Hama bead creation, back soon!

Right I'm back again.
I could read more of The Sunday Times, but I like to have some left to read this evening when there is absolutely nothing on the TV to watch and Stan usually hogs the remote and watches Car Programmes anyway!
I could read more of Sue Townsend's "Queen Camilla", which I started yesterday having at last finished the mammoth read of Jilly Cooper's Wicked, which was truly Wicked and a fantastic read, she has huge numbers of characters and to begin with I thought I'd never get to work out who was who but she writes so well that the characters all became real people to me, even down to "Elaine" Hengist's faithful dog! Fancy she even thought to name the dog after me! The book has been a big part of my life for weeks, now I've finished I have withdrawal symptoms!
But I'm getting into "Queen Camilla" now and that is so funny, but will not take long to read.

So what has been happening since I last wrote ?

  • We had Tom staying again this week, doing the next part of his HIPs course and on top of that Evie 's friend was staying too. She has got a job with Evie at the Little Chef and so she will be staying for 2 nights each week as her own home is a bit far away to get infor the 6.30am early shifts. So extra laundry and extra cooking, but I don't mind, I like having people around. always Open House here, should start charging!!
  • Sophie and M seem to have calmed down, she is not being sent home ! She was very happy Friday when I phoned and M was being exceptionally nice to her. Long may it last. Her friends are leaving tonight.
  • Evie and her friends have been at Glastonbury all weekend since Wednesday. She just phoned to say she will be leaving there after THe Who play and thinks she'll be home at 3am. She took my gazebo and is threatening to leave it there as so muddy. She says it's been fantastic despite the storms! Rather her than me, I couldn't cope with being wet all the time and so yukky and muddy, yes I know I'm supposed to like mud! But Glastonbury is rather a step too far!
  • Job: I have applied for the Team Leader post. I'm being interviewed on wednesday Morning so send those Positive Vibes along to me please. Not sure who else in team has applied, one was considering the other was not going to and the other I do not know.
  • When I was last home in Norfolk I was admiring my Mum's garden, she has Green Fingers unlike me! She has some beautiful Hostas and unlike mine they were not in shreds! She has a Massive one which is called Francis Williams, I found one in our local garden centre, so I bought it and another interesting one called August Moon, I have now planted these out and hope for great things! Put Beer down for the slugs and snails they love it!
  • A while back I mentioned redecorating Soph's bedroom as Lucy has now ensconced herself in there, I wanted to put up new curtains but the old rails had all collapsed and had to be replaced, I ordered some new silver poles with twisted spiral ends from Argos catalogue, but they were out of stock, and date for delivering was middle of June, so I waited and waited, middle of June came and went another letter from Atgos to say sorry about delay , the poles will arrive by 22 June and as luck would have it they arrived on 20 June, so I spent a busy couple of afternoons drilling holes and screwing up poles and hold backs, and then .............drum roll please......I was able to hang the curtains! I must say they look pretty good!
  • Some of you may be interested to hear the next installment to the sage of the Field next door. Remember there had been men in the field and lots of activity erecting huge panel fences round the edge of the paddock. Well, I waited but nothing else appeared , but suddenly in the local paper on Friday in the Houses for sale adverts, there it is: Equestrian facilities For Sale, stables and outbuildings with 3.5 acreas of paddock.........price ,£179,000 what a lot of money for a small filed and stables!! So wonder who will buy it?

  • Right Stan has come in now and is ready to go out, so I didn't manage to do any of the things I thought of except a short blog.

Warm wishes to all

Elaine X


Un Peu Loufoque said...

Oh do be careful saying you run an open house, you know there are an awful lot of puplre coos who might just turn up on your doorstep!!

Good luck with the interview!

Anonymous said...

Yes, all the best for the interview, positive vibes are coming your way! Not sure what the crystal ball has in store but I'm sure it'll be just what you want.

I have a husband who says we'll go somewhere or do something, leaving me hanging on for hours on end, twiddling my thumbs and thinking of a million other things I could be doing instead.

Crystal xx

Pondside said...

Bravo to Muddie for hanging the curtain hardware!!! You are brilliant!
I'll send positive thoughts your way on Wednesday as you go for the interview - good luck!
re Jilly Cooper - hadn't ever heard of her before this site, but am now enjoying her books - great for summer fun reading.

bradan said...

Best of luck for your interview on Weds. I'm glad to hear that things have calmed down with Sophie and M. Children never cease to be a worry do they, even worse when they grow up! My 2nd son has a holiday job in the restaurant at his Uni so I am getting up at 6 am. on his early days so I can 'phone him cos I worry he might be late!
I will take your advice and eat even more choc to lift my spirits! xx

CAMILLA said...

Hello Dear Muddie,
I have come here rather late this evening, as have had a busy day again at the hospital, went with my son up from London, and took my grandchildren, as they were eager to see my husband. My husband now has an infection, and Doctors want to do a Lumbur Puncture, but husband has refused.Thank you so much for your comments and your concern Muddie, you are so kind. I am glad that your daughter Sophie is now feeling more settled, and all is going alright with M. Wishing you lots of luck for Wednesday re the Team Leader's post, let me know how you get on. So sorry to hear about your poor uncle in Hull, I nursed many patients with strokes.
Warm Wishes to you.

Frances said...

Good evening from NYC Elaine,

Thanks so much for your comments, which I do value.

You do know that you are a marvel, I hope! After all that you have faced, you are still taking care of so many others.

Curtain hanging -- easy for you!

I also quite admire the way that you communicate with your daughters. They must know how lucky they are.

Cars. Paint. Breathing. All good in their own spaces. Hoping that the results are all that Stan sought.

Now, on to job, career, etc. You are so talented, and wise that I will stick to my story. There is no fear that your employer will keep trying to get you to take on more and more. It is up to you to decide just how much of that stuff really suits/interests/pleases you.

Gosh, is this not strange, my giving you pearls of wisdom that perhaps I should (have) heed/ed myself?

Please do let me know how all areas progress. I am very delighted that you are progressing so well!


Ska, not a good mother but working on it said...

Inthemud I write the carers column! And ought to be writing the next 2 at this very minute! good luck with all your moves
Sally x

Suffolkmum said...

Oh I do love Jilly Cooper, know exactly what you mean about getting drawn in in the end! Life sounds as hectic as ever! Goodluck with the job interview.

countrymousie said...

Lovely blog - sending good vibes for Wednesday. These horse fields seem to make so much money - hope they got planning for the stables if necessary.
Bare land is making between ten and twenty thousand an acre for amenity/horse grazing, and of course with stables etc they ask more. Some folks with huge bonus's etc seem to have the dosh for their horsie little darlings. At least you know they will be quiet neighbours if livestock there.
I watched Shirley Bassey on the tv at the concert - looked wonderful from where I was sitting on the sofa!! I dont do mud anymore muddie!