Monday 11 June 2007


countrymousie said...

Well done for making the decision with what seems no regrets. I am sure it is the right one for this time. Travelling can be so tiring and sapping.
Sorry about daughter feeling poorly - could the heat make her worse do you think.
Always someone to worry about eh.

Suffolkmum said...

I am also sure you've made the right decision. Bet it's a weight off your mind, having made it. Enjoyed your list! And I loved Dr Who too.

Elizabethd said...

I'm sure you have done what is right. Hard decision, but family is important, and also your fatigue levels.

DevonLife said...

God have been away from blog world and are just catching up. just reading through the last few entries and think you have made the right decision. it's easy to take the decision to earn more money, but so very difficult to go the other way. xx

Bluestocking Mum said...

What a really well balanced, well thought out decision. I am sure it is right for you. You have had such a lot going on, I think the timing is just not right for you at present and you have to look after yourself and Lucy.

Sorry to hear about Sophie-it is so debilitating, bless her-I also wondered if the heat was making it worse.

We LOVE Dr Who in our house-and David Tenant does make it more appealing! owever I had a terrible dream last night about those stone angels!!/gargoils! I couldn't stop looking at them, knew I mustn't blink-really vivid and then quite gory!!

I also loved Lee and so glad he won Joseph-I think he will be a huge star.

Now Muddie-I do have one thing to say to you...JIMMY NAIL!!!
I ask you! I'm with you on Lee, and the dishy docs on Holby City, especially Mr Strachan...But Jimmy Nail!! Isn't it strange who we have crushes on?!!

warm wishes

Un Peu Loufoque said...

Phew I am so glad yo made that choice, none of my business but I am sure you are right lucy needs to have you there. This is from a child who had a mother who wasn't so of course there is alwasy a chyance I may be very biased! .I alwaysswore that I was going to be there for them so even if they turned around at 18 and told me I had done a terrible job as a mother at least they couldnt say I was not there!!

snailbeachshepherdess said...

Well I'm sure you have done the right thing as well! And never mind the horror of Angel re Jimmy Nail ...I think he is lovely as well ....what was his record?...can't remember you can!

toady said...

I concur, the right decision at the moment. There's more to life than sitting in traffic and worrying about work when you've had the year you've had and you've got Stan and the girls needing you around. You never know something else may come up in a few years time. Toady

Norma Murray said...

You've done well to avoid that drive into Hove everyday. I had 25 years of Brighton! I'm sure you've made the right decision.

Exmoorjane said...

Muddy, I was driving back from Tiverton today and suddenly thought that I hadn't read your blog for ages.....and didn't know what was going on with you! Awful. So have caught up and wow! How lovely to have been asked to take on such a very responsible important position. And how wise you are to turn it down - for all the right reasons.
Loved your candle too.
So sorry I've been out of the loop....lots of love, Janexxxxx

Pondside said...

What a relief for you to have made the decision! It sounds as though you are satisfied with what you are going to do - and I echo so many others when I say that your family is so important! It is wonderful that you have the option of putting your family first.

CAMILLA said...

Hello dear Muddie,
Have popped in to see how you are,think you have made the right descision about the job, I worried that if you took it on it may have been to tiring for you. Feeling a tad lonely tonight, but have my two dogs to keep me company, plus a large glass of Vodka! Husband is in hospital at the moment, has been an inpatient since Monday, has to have a STENT inserted to his heart. Was lucky enough to spend some time with my daughter and my grandchildren this afternoon, love seeing them, we are a close family. How is your daughter abroad Muddie, will she be returning home soon? Sending you my love and best wishes.

Kitty said...

Just caught up again - I just don't have enough time to follow everyone now on this site and feel so bad, but that's how it is.
Your decision sounds the right one, but how lovely to be offered the job. Lucy is a lucky girl to have you around. They always need their mums no matter how old!