Friday 7 September 2007

Homework: My Spanish Holiday.

I was so anxious as I waited at the airport departures that as soon as we had checked in , I took Lucy through to security to get it over with. Would I set the security alarm off? Would they think I was carrying some hidden weapon in my boob? (For those that do not know, I had a reconstruction of my breast following a mastectomy earlier in the year and this temporary boob has a magnet in it which was used for expanding me. It will be replaced with a permanent boob later in the year)As I approached the security gates I had butterflies in my stomach. I put my hand luggage in the tray and pushed it through the conveyor belt to be scanned and I stepped forward, the security woman beckoned me through. I walked forward, suddenly the machine starts buzzing, Oh No, this is it, I start blathering on about the magnet in my boob and the woman asked me to raise my arms , she searches me and then points to my shoes. "Take those off and try again" she says, I pass the shoes through the other check and walk back through again, this time there is only a slight beeb. The security woman smiles and says all is well, I can carry on and collect my things. I don't believe it, my shoes let me down, not the magnet, that barely registered!

I was hoping for my very own "Shirley Valentine" moment. The moment I saw him my heart lurched in my rib cage, he was tall, very tanned and had a perfect physique, he had the longest eye lashes I've ever seen on a man and he fluttered them as he spoke to me. He was mesmerising me as he spoke, his head tilted to one side and he laughed as he pushed his fingers through his neatly spiked , gelled hair. Then he looked down and became quite still and I could see tears welling up in his eyes as he spoke of his lost love. His lover had left him after 4 years to return to England and he was distraught but there was nothing I could do to help him, he had no interest in me, he had no interest in women. His love was for another beautiful young man, who wanted a different life,he wanted to return to England and pursue his studies but it meant leaving the love of his life behind in Spain.

This is the young man who shares an apartment with Sophie and her partner M, where Lucy and I stayed last week having the most amazing time. I will tell you some more later. No time now! The picture is of the Garden Stream and walkway to the pool at La Reserva.


DJ Kirkby said...

Hi, that pic gives a kind of weird optical illusion looks like the stairs go through past the wall or that the wall isnt there...

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Looking forward to hearing more about the holiday, so far it sounds intriguing.

Crystal xx

Blossomcottage said...

My Lovely Hubby sets the alarm off each time, I don't know how he does it. Why is it these lovely young men all prefer boys! We have several young vets at the practice who have young women hanging on their every word. Oh how I would love to tell them they are wasting their time.
Look forward to more.
Love Blossom

Elizabethd said...

Oh those security gates! The slightest thing can set them off it seems. Last time it was the buckle on my husband's belt!
Your holiday sounds super.

Un Peu Loufoque said...

ah love never does run smooth does it poor chap!!!

Frances said...

Hoping that your holiday reports will continue. Glad that security gave you only a bit of a blip.

(I have a friend with a heart pacemaker sort of thing who is always nervous about air travel, and often his nervousness keeps him from mentioning his device before passing through any scanning equipment. Lots of excitement has occured, and has actually given his pacemaker a workout on one occasion. Now he knows to just let someone doing security know early on that there is just "something inside him" that might trigger a reaction.

bon voyage! xo

Sally Townsend said...

Hubby now has huge bolt in his hip that sends the alarms off, has to take photocopy of the x ray with him !

Casdok said...

A "Shirley Valentine" moment!! How cool!
Glad you had a good one. xx

Exmoorjane said...

I too always set off the alarms - too much jewellery. Love your 'Shirley Valentine' moment....drat it! totally agree with Blossom.
Lovely to read you again, Elaine. jxxxx

CAMILLA said...

Oh Dear Muddie, welcome back, lovely to see you here again. Look forward to hearing all about your holiday in Spain. Hope your Father is doing alright.

Best Wishes,

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Oh what a shame that you got so stressed out before you went on holiday - still all behind you know - you won't need to worry again.

Why is it some of the most gorgeous men are gay - then again they can become wonderful friends.