Sunday 14 February 2010

Gung Hey Fat Choy!

Happy Chinese New Year,

I've just found out I am an Ox- 1961
This is what it says about the Ox:
The Ox of Chinese Astrology is no bull in a china shop. Steadfast and solid, this powerful Sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. Oxen tend to be plodding and methodical; they approach projects in the step-by-step manner that serves them best, and they never lose sight of their goal. They are tireless workers who are detail-oriented and believe in doing things right the first time. The world may perceive Oxen as being far too serious or incapable of loosening up. This sturdy sort is less than social by nature and tends to become introverted in a crowd. To make things worse, they can't be bothered with what other people think and prefer to do what makes them feel best. Behind that calm facade, though, lives an Ox who can feel hurt, lonely and unable to connect with others. Friends and family are a great source of comfort to this beast, even if they don't always understand what makes the Ox tick. As a lover, friend, family member or housemate, the Ox makes a wonderfully strong, tender and affectionate companion who is protective and always reliable. Out in the world, though, Oxen tend to be stubborn, dogmatic, my-way-or-the-highway kind of people who have no concept of when to back down. Oxen don't care to be pushed, especially since they think they're the good guys of the Chinese Zodiac. There is some truth to that theory, since the Ox is smart, trustworthy, caring and honorable. If you need honest, steady and unbiased advice, call on the Ox. A good lesson for mighty Oxen is to strive to overcome a judgmental nature that keeps them from getting close to others. If they can learn to value their own good qualities, they'll have more room in their hearts to invite others in.

I do think I'm solid and dependable, not a great leader though, I enjoy being sociable with people I know, but I do not like crowds of people , I'm not a social party mixer, so that is right, always prefer to be in the kitchen,serving drinks and food, rather than trying to talk to others I don't know.I wouldn't call myself stubborn or dogmatic. I'm the least judgemental person and very open to others and caring- so some points match other do not.

Interesting though


Irish Eyes said...

Love it...still trying to work out what I am, apart from dropping asleep at the keyboard!


Tattieweasle said...

I love ox's they said I was a Fire Horse niot quite sure what they meant excpet that I needed to be entertained or entertaining the whole time...!