Monday 30 April 2007

Stolen!! Hole in the ground!

HELP! I need a working party over here right now!

Someone has stolen my hole in the ground! I left it last winter safely there in the grass and now I can't find it! Who has crept in over winter an taken my hole in the ground??

No I haven't gone completely mad, last autumn I had a perfectly formed round hole in the grass with a metal tube in it and now it's gone!

I 've been wandering around the garden with my laundry basket and rotary linen line, but can i find where it should go?? I cannot. I've been on my hands and knees , I 've scrapped with a long fork, but I just cannot find the linen line hole in the ground.

Please can you all come over and HELP me!! Otherwise its back to the tumble drier which is such a shame in such warm weather and I am trying to do my bit to save energy, trouble I haven't saved mine!


Blossomcottage said...

Head of House is good at holes in the ground it you can't find yours I will send her over. Blossom

Kitty said...

I know that feeling - where do they go? I have bought so many soil spike kits I've lost count now. How bizarre.

Woozle1967 said...

Oh, dear! Looks like to need a new one! TIP: get a length of dowling/off cut broom handle around 4 inches long and nail/screw an old jam jar lid dead centre and then drop that in the hole when not in use.xx

Frances said...

Good morning from New York.
I think that woozle has a good idea, I was gonna suggest posting a flagpole over the winter.
Thanks for you comments. The shop is one the Eileen Fisher stores. Look at and check the Flatiron District store under the store/shop tab, and you can see a tiny photo of where is spend all these hours.

Suffolkmum said...

Another case for CSI Suffolk aka Mousie I suspect! It is strange. Just saw your one from below, what a lovely daughter you have, now just concentrate on going to visit her.

Bluestocking Mum said...

Just checking in to see how you are doing since Soph has gone. Bet you are a bit empty so good to see you keeping busy and distracted.

And of course your friends are here to keep you company!!

warm wishes