Saturday 7 July 2007

5 things that pull me up out of the doldrums

I've been tagged by Snailbeach shepherdess to give 5 things that help to keep me positive and get me out of the doldrums,

So I've picked up the baton and here goes:

1) Take a long walk either on the beach or up a steep hill, get the wind blowing through my hair and take on child like quality and start running around , spin round round in circles and make like an aeroplane, you can't stay gloomy then , ok I look so daft it makes me laugh out loud and lifts my spirits. I did this on a beach in Ireland about 12 years ago when I was feeling really depressed post natally and I did feel better afterwards, even though it was pouring with rain and there was nothing really to be jolly about!

2) If I'm feeling down I love to play all my old records, I wallow in nostalgia and have a good cry ! Then I feel better. Yes, Here I go again...get that record of Bonnie Tyler out again SBS!

3) Another way is to watch an old film, one of the classics like Brief Encounter, just allow myself to enter another age and once again have a good cry and get all nostalgic. It works for me!

4) Phone a friend.......No not like being on "Who wants to be a Millionaire", but it helps so much to talk to someone. My special friend Helen is always there for me, she has her own burdens, living with MS, but when ever we chat even if one of us is really down we end up laughing hysterically. Laughter is a great cure for being down in the doldrums!

5) Sometimes if I'm feeling down it helps just to watch the birds feeding in the garden, I get so much pleasure from seeing them and all things nature gives us, Seeing a Rainbow brightens my day too.

That's my 5 so who should I pass the baton to now? Who's already done it?

Who'd like to do it?
I've passed the baton to : countrymousie
the country craft angel, (I now know she has already done the exercise)
cait o'connor
You've been tagged!!.


Bluestocking Mum said...

Hi Elaine

I already did my 5 on Wednesday on my Diary of a Country Bumpkin Blog.

I like the thought of a good long walk on a beach of steep hill-I can't do that one but maybe I should try the spinning around in circles!!

Enjoy your time left with Sophie
warm wishes


Chris Stovell said...

I'm all in favour of a good wallow!

muddyboots said...

to find our place if you follow the link on my blog, there is a map, but basically if you head to brid from hull turn right in the village of beeford, then take the hornsea road out of skipsea, 1st place on your left. if you do come make yourself known!! thanks for the tag!! agree long walk on beach =A* & can offer you that here!!!

CAMILLA said...

Hello Dear Muddie,
I agree with having good friends to talk to to make one feel better, I would be lost without mine. Thank you Muddie, but I have already been tagged by Grouse, but thank you for passing the baton to me anyway. Hope to fit it in this weekend, am going to my daughter's House Warming Party this evening, she has just moved again for the 13th time! hopefully lucky this time.

countrymousie said...

Cheers Muddie! Now then I better take the baton and run - I was never much good at the relay!!
I may trip up on this one.

Unknown said...

I found myself nodding along with many of your ideas. Especially wallowing in nostalgia - I do that so much, sometimes it's more of a reason for my being down than a cure for it, but other times, it really does help - and there I was thinking my mum & grandma were mad when they talked about the "good old days." I watched that tv show (can't remember for the life of me what it's called) with Fern Britton about the 80s tonight and I wanted to cry!!! God I miss those days!

Anyway, thank you for tagging me. I will try to come up with my 5 things and post them very soon!

CAMILLA said...

Hello Dear Muddie,
I loved your list, I too love Brief Encounter, I have watched that film so many times now, and I just adore the music to it, the Rachmaninov Concerto. I love watching the birds also, but I get so uptight when my dog goes anywhere near them. How is the new Team Leader's Post going Muddie? I expect you are quite busy. Once again my sincere sympathies of your Uncle. Hope to see you here again soon. Sending you my love and best wishes.

CAMILLA said...

Hello Dear Muddie,
Have just popped in again to say hello, and hope that you are alright. I did leave you a message on Members List. Sending you my hugs this evening.


Posie said...

Oh I haven't done my five yet, but did enjoy reading yours, lovely picture too.

Woozle1967 said...

Hi Elaine - loved your list.x

annakarenin said...

Can't believe how long I have been without popping in. Read the post about Sophie coming home on the C.L site but I am glad to see they have worked it out and I hope things are still going okay now or am I still not up to date and getting things in the wrong order. Mind you don't think I would wish to leave that pool and that weather to return to what we are getting at the mo. It is so much easier it seems when you have them all under one roof, less worry.

Many of us use similar mechanisms to cheer us up but the one I don't do and have picked up from a few of you is to phone someone for a chat. Will def be using that one as I always fee; cheered after a phonecall from a friend.

annakarenin said...

Mean't to say congrats on the job.

Frances said...

Hello Elaine,

Just popping by to say hello.
Hoping that your summer days are giving you smiles.
