Monday 31 August 2009

Not long now!

Well, the time has just flown by and here we are end of August and my darling daughter BB is nearly 38 weeks into her pregancy. EDD 16 Sept. To be frank I will be glad when the baby arrives. BB is struggling now , in a lot of discomfort, finding it hard to walk , not sleeping very well and the baby is a very active one.

BB & M are all organised, cot,moses basket, pram and all the sundry items required are now piled up in BB's room. She has loads of clothes, thanks to very kind friends and family. Great granny to be has been busy with the knitting needles, so there are lots of lovely matinee jackets, dresses and bootees and hats.

BB & M went to look around the Delivery suite at hospital on Saturday, they are wondering about using the birthing pool, though there is only one and it is first come first served, so not likely to get it. Apparently there is going to be a boom of babies being born in Sept.

So watch this space for the announcement of the arrival of the baby.


Quilting Cat said...

I hope all goes well, my son was born on the 16th and he is a lovely Virgo. Our baby is 7 months now, where did that go and my daughter is about to return to work so I am full time grandma. Hope you daughter manages to feed baby (if that is what she wants). My daughter complimentary fed in the end although this is frowned upon but now weaned baby has a very good appetite for freshly preped food and fruit. Good luck with everything, so exciting.

Anonymous said...

All very exciting and with only a couple of weeks to go it'll be here before you all know it. I remember being uncomfortable, but I also remember thinking how worth it it was!

Best of luck to all.

CJ xx

snailbeachshepherdess said...

do they know what sex it is then? You mentioned dresses. Our latest is 7 weeks old now and an absolute joy! Good luck


I can feel the excitement mounting.Wishing BB good luck, and I'm sure you can't wait. I just love being a grandmother, and looking forward to seeing our Poppet (coming from Australia) who will be 7 months at Christmas.

Casdok said...

Very exciting. Fingers crossed for BB :)

Norma Murray said...

I'm glad everything is going well. Let us know how she gets on
love Lampie

Inthemud said...

Thank you for all your kind comments.
Yes we're 90% sure it is a girl- so better be now as BB has bought lots of girly things!!