Tuesday 24 February 2009

Diary of a Gran-to- be

What do you do when your 18 year old daughter tells you she is pregnant?
You do what I did, after reeling from the shock you tell her everything will be Ok and you'll support her come what may.

I didn't have a clue anything was wrong. I spoke to BB first thing in the morning and made her some breakfast and went off to work as normal.
Just as I was arriving at work i received a text, this is what i said "mummy I love you and you love me too right? So what I'm going to tell you , you're not going to hate me are you? I've done a pregnancy test and its positive. I wanted to tell you face to face but would of just started to cry as I am writing this. I love you please don't hate me, I'm sorry I f****d up yet again! XX"

Why would she think I'd hate her , of course don't hate her. I love her but i did get that sinking feeling. Oh dear Lord, here we go again.

You see this isn't the first time, last time she was far too young and I thanked God that she lost it, but the loss devastated her and consumed her with deep depression. So hearing she was pregnant brought back fears for her mental health, what if she should lose another baby. how would she cope?, how would we support her?.

Of course I rang BB straight away and told her i loved her, told her i'd be there every step of the way and reassured her that it was OK. She isn't alone, she has a wonderful partner, M and he is really caring and supportive. That was all 6 weeks ago.

BB is 12 weeks now and has been feeling as sick as a dog and most mornings start with that awful sounds of retching , but hopefully that will ease soon.

Last weekend I plucked up courage to tell my parents, they were surprisingly OK about it to my face, though told my sister it was " devastating news". I made light of it and told Mum she needed to get her knitting needles out as she was going to become a Great Gran. She is a wonderful knitter and all my childrern had beautiful outfits knitted by her as babies.

To tell the truth, I'm excited,I really missed not having any young children to buy gifts for from The Early Learning Centre. i love that shop. So now I will have an excuse again.

Time permitting I hope to keep a regular diary of BB's progress until baby arrives in September. Now that is a good month to be born. My birthday is September, so is Stan's and my dad's and a niece and nephew,so now we await the arrival of the latest September delivery!


Chris Stovell said...

Congratulations, Muddie. Sorry it was such a traumatic start but, there we are, all babies bring their love.

Kimberly said...

Muddie, couldn't help but have a few tears reading-especially the first part of this the text and your call back to her. oh hugs to both! Yes, it will all work out and she is so, so very lucky to have you there supporting her. Now to the congratulations and ooooo, the fun of a little one around soon. That brings a smile for sure. I send you all my best. And, September will be a wonderful time for a new babe. xxx seahsell :)

arosebyanyothername said...

This is lovely news. With your support and love she will be fine. I was all of eighteen when I fell pregnant and I won't repeat what my father said. It all turned out happily. We have now been married for 50 years.

S said...

Congratulations Muddie...I know EXACTLY how you feel....but enjoy wholeheartedly.

I was shocked when my daughter made the same announcement at age 20 and un-married. It took a bit of getting used to, and her grandparents were shocked to start with...but as time went on we became so excited about it all.

I can not put into words how wonderful it felt when my daughter rang me from the hospital (all sleepy due to having a C-Section)to say "Mum, your grandson's here".

Enjoy every minute of this journey Muddie...it's truly fantastic...and I look forward to reading your blogs.

bayou said...

Congratulations! So now you don't want to swap kids anymore ;-)
Looking forward to reading more about.

Milla said...

oh Lordie, I had no idea, when you announced it in PC, that she was going to be 18. Well, good for you, what a great attitude you have, good for you. T12 (I was about to write T10, it goes so fast!) was born in September too. A good month. Good luck to you all, and keep us update.

mountainear said...

What a fantastic mum you are - and what a fantastic 'gran' you will be.

Lovely news - congratulations.

Arcadian Advocate said...

hugs and best wishes all round

toady said...

Great news Muddie and I know you'll be a lovely grannie.

Suffolkmum said...

Congratulations to you and your girl, Muddie. You'll be a wonderful Gran! Life rarely turns out the way we planned it, but so what, a new baby is a joy, and you'll all be there to support your daughter.

bradan said...

Wonderful news, Muddie. You are a fantastic Mum and everything will turn out fine and you will be a fantastic Granny too! Big hugs to both of you. xx

Fennie said...

Great stuff. Congratulations. Roll on September. We'll all be cheering from the depths of the ether. Tell your daughter we love her too and wish her every best bit of luck. Lots of good reasons to begin child rearing early.

Faith said...

Oh Muddie, if you announced this on PC I must've missed it. Anyway, good luck to your pretty daughter and the little tiny one on the way. I am sure it will all work out fine and look forward to hearing all about it. Best wishes and purple hugs. x

PS the word verification word below for me was 'essinit' and I thought 'how appropriate' cos it sounds like 'easy isnt it' and I'm sure it will be!

CAMILLA said...

Many Congratulations to you Muddie and to your daughter. I know you will be a wonderful Grandmother, just like you are a wonderful Mother too.

Please give my best wishes to your daughter.

A most joyous occasion for new baby on the way, please keep us updated Muddie.

Love and Hugs,

Pipany said...

Oh how lovely Muddie. Such wonderful news. Enjoy every minute of it and blow what your parents think - how can a baby ever be devastating news for them? They will not be the ones up each night and on their knees with worry will they? xx

Norma Murray said...

Congratulations, lovely news. I was a teenage mum myself. It's great having kids when you are young as you have lots of energy, and plenty of time to take up a career once the kids are at school.

Cait O'Connor said...

Congratulations! Being a granny is just wonderful.

My daughter was pregnant at the same age and they are now maried with three girls, oldest is 13 in May!.

She was worried about telling me but I took it very well. I remember she sent me some flowers at work the next day which made me quite emotional. To be honest my (Capricorn)daughter is more mature than me, I sometimes feel like the child!

Wonderful news, keep us updated.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Muddie. Whatever the age, so long as the mum/dad to be has wonderful supportive parents behind them it shouldn't be too hard. Congratulations to you all. Perhaps a shock at first, but an amazing opportunity to extend your love.

Best wishes and hope daughter feels better soon, it's usually the mid trimester that's the best isn't it.

CJ xx

Frances said...

Hello to you Muddie.

This September child sends all best wishes to you and your daughter and her partner ... and to all who will be looking forward to the arrival of a beautiful baby.

It will be grand to read your updates. xo

Casdok said...

Congratulations all round!
Oh i do hope all goes well, and i can just imagine you as the best Gran to be ever!

Exmoorjane said...

Really thrilled for you all (yes, even the 'it's a disaster' parents!!)... Do hope she has an easy time - could try some homeopathy if the morning sickness gets too bad (pulsatilla worked a treat for me - but best to see a specialist)...
Think it's a great age to have a baby - all that energy!

Inthemud said...

Thanks for all your lovely messages.

All your support is greatly appreciated!

Elaine X